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Homeopathy = DANGER!!!

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July 2019: the french governmnt finally decided that homeopathic medicines won't be reimbursed any more by he nathional health insurance!
Remains the most important task: convince those who still believe in homeopathy efficiency that they have been sold dreams for decades (centuries indeed!).

SEPTEMBER 2017: The european scientific council of national science academies states the inefficiency of homeopathy and advises that it should not be reimbursed by national health insurances any more.

Report issued by the Institut de France (can be also downloaded from here.)

Statement of the european scientific council

Original publication (can be also downloaded from here. or here (text version).)

OCTOBER 2013 : An austalian study, conducted by an institutional council (National Health and Medical Research Council) reviewed numerous reports claiming some sort of efficiency of homeopathic treatments on humans. Its conclusion is that none of them is scientifically valid, for several reasons. Either they are based on the observation of a too small number of patients (sometimes they simply do not follow a rigorous scientific process), or their conclusions are biased. The report of the australian study is available HERE . The conclusion states:
There is a paucity of good-quality studies of sufficient size that examine the effectiveness of homeopathy as a treatment for any clinical condition in humans. The available evidence is not compelling and fails to demonstrate that homeopathy is an effective treatment for any of the reported clinical conditions in humans. "

Malheureusement le ministre de la santé, M. Douste Blazy est contre (un consommateur d'homéopathie est aussi un électeur, n'est-ce pas...).
Le plus étonnant c'est que dans une interview à un journal télévisé le 10/09/2004, il envisageait la possibilité, dans l'avenir, du déremboursement "s'il est prouvé que l'homéopathie n'est pas efficace" (sic.)!!!
C'est quand même un comble, alors qu'un médicament "traditionnel" doit faire la preuve de son efficacité pour être remboursé, dans le cas de l'homéopathie ce serait à ses détracteurs de prouver sa "non-efficacité"....
Heureusement, le ministre a temporisé le lendemain dans une autre interview en précisant que la décision sur le déremboursement devrait être prise par un organisme indépendant (sous entendu l'Agence Francaise de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits de la Santé, AFSSAPS ?)

Just after the recommendation of the french government of Jean-Pierre Raffarin to make some homeopathic "medecines" no more reimbursed by the french social security, the Boiron Labs started a large manipulation campaign. They have actually published in the press (and on their web site) a petition in favor of homeopathic medecines (but can we really call that "medicines"...). The core of the manipulation is to make the signatories of this petition testify to the efficiency of homeopathic products. Can a drug be proved efficient only by the testimonies of some consumers???! That's really an anti-scientific attack, ignoring all the successfull achievements of the medical science, and more generally of the scientific method.

Boiron claims that many "scientific" publications prove the efficiency of homepathic products!!! It makes me laughing, the only known publication in a trustable and REALLY INDEPENDENT scientific journal was the famous article of Pr. Benveniste (INSERM) in "Nature" supposed to prove a kind of "memory of water". His results have never been successfully reproduced by other researchers, results that were shown afterwards to be actually a load of hogwash...
But homeopathy is a bit like a religion, I even claim it is a kind of sect. All the criteria listed in the first parliamantary report about sects (french parliament) fit to the description of homeopathy: a belief, a guru (Hanemann), a complex of persecution, a fairly profitable business etc
Therefore, homeopaths reaction about this scandal was the one we could expect from a sect member: speaking about a plot, about some organized disinformation coming from the "scientistie lobby" and other rubbish of the same fashion.

Believe it or not, HOMEOPATHY IS DANGEROUS! Through its complete non-efficiency, it prevents some people from getting a suitable treatment at the very beginning of their disease, even when it is a serious one (note that a flu for instance is really a VERY SERIOUS DISEASE for old people or babies, and if you treat that without a drug that stops the temperature before it's too high, these fragile persons are in a vital hazard. Using only homeopathy in such a case can be VERY dangerous, since it will never moderate the temperature). The following sites are written only in french unfortunately...

In the early 90's, the french national council of the order of physicians decided that homeopathy must be submitted to a ``real'' scientific evaluation (because it has never been done yet). We're still waiting for the result of this evaluation ... ;-)

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Last update: 31/03/2021