Alain Aspect
``Three experimental tests of Bell inequalities by the
measurement of polarization correlations between photons''
Ph. D thesis defended in Orsay (France) on feb 1st, 1983.
The jury was composed as follows:
A. Marechal, J.S. Bell, C. Cohen-Tannoudji, B. d'Espagnat,
C. Imbert, F. Laloe
The J.S. Bell of the Jury is THE J.S. Bell of Bell inequalities
and C. Cohen-Tannoudji recently awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics
(and also he wrote a graduate-level book about Quantum Mechanics
which is (as for me) the best book on this topic so-far).
Also d'Espagnat and the others are well known in the world of
Quantum Mechanics and the problems of its interpretation.
That's a jury, isn't it !!!!!!
The experimental setup uses a calcium source (in an atomic jet),
lightened by a kripton laser and an argon laser. Then the
produced photons come from the cascade :
(4p2 1S0)->(4s4p 1P1)->(4s2 1S0)
( A. Aspect, C. Imbert, G. Roger,
``Absolute Measurement of an atomic cascade rate using a two-photon
coincidence technique. Application to the
(4p2 1S0)->(4s4p 1P1)->(4s2 1S0) cascade of calcium exited by a two
photon absorption'', Optics Communication 34 (1980) p46. )
The Bell-Freedman inequality say that Delta <=0. The
experimental measurement leads to :
Delta = 0.064 +/- 0.009
Quantum Mechanics expects the following result :
Delta = 0.059
The BCHSH inequality states that S'<=0. The experimental
measurement leads to :
S' = 0.1 +/- 0.02
Quantum Mechanics gives the value :
S' = 0.12
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