My scientific publications
- "New Physics with three-photon events at LEP", M. Baillargeon,
F. Boudjema, E. Chopin, V. Lafage,
Zeitschrift fur Physik C71 (1996) 431.
- "Double Higgs production at the linear colliders and the
probing of the Higgs self couplings", F. Boudjema, E. Chopin,
HEP-PH/9507396, Zeitschrift fuer Physik C73 (1996) 85.
- "Higgs Particles", A. Djouadi et al.,
- "Improvement of the Calculation of Scattering Amplitudes
with External Fermions", E. Chopin,
HEP-PH/9805203 (Source LaTeX, PDF, HTML).
- "Motion of a scalar field coupled to a Yang-Mills field reformulated
locally with some gauge invariant variables", E. Chopin,
JHEP 03 (2000) 022,
HEP-PH/0001125 (LaTeX Source, PDF, HTML).
My thesis (december 13th 1996).
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Last update : 02/02/2023